
Showing posts from January, 2023

Reflection 1/31/23

 Today we did step 3 which is introduction paragraph. It was a lot of thinking but we each made our own paragraph of our own thoughts and let the teacher see it so he put a little from each of our paragraph into the best introductory paragraph ever. 

Reflection 1/30/23

 Today we were introduced into a project. We had to choose a topic and get into groups. They day was calm and went by pretty quick. Today was an okay type of day.

Reflection 1/27/22

 Today we did another essay prompt, but this one was dealing with gun violence. It was sad to see how many African American people especially male teens died due to gun violence. Since I didn't participate yesterday, I made sure to participate today. It was on my goals for the new years. I read and everything, and I even got my work done in less than ten minutes. So today was a pretty good day. 

Reflection 1/26/22

 Today we did a little bit of a essay prompt. It was about libraries and the safety of  it. I wasn't here on the day everyone else got this essay so I am way behind. I wasn't really paying attention, and I almost kind of fell asleep. 

Reflection 1/25/22

 Today we was talking about chapter 5 on our story "Wild". It wasn't boring, I just kept losing my focus though because I had my mind on other things. Also I was hungry, but regardless it was a pretty good day.

Reflection 1/24/22

 I was not  here on this day.

Reflection 1/23/22

 We did our assignments that we were told to do on Friday. I partnered up with Destiny and Anya. We did pretty good, and got it done just it time. That made me proud and regardless was a good day.

Reflection 1/19/22

 We did not really do anything. We had an assignment that turned out to be not for us. But I worked hard on it, so I guess. Other than that, I didn't do anything else but was just chilling. It wasn't a bad day.

New Year, New Semester 1/18/23

 Things that I will change about me from last semester is most definitely the sleeping. I knew eleventh grade was going to be one of my hardest years, and sleeping is not an option for me. So I make sure to get at least 8-9 hours of rest in my system. I also going to do better about turning in my assignments on time. I am already off to a bad start, but I am going to try to make sure all of my blog post and any assignments are turned in on time, so I won't have any stress on me. I also want to be more organized inside and outside the school building. This will make my head less cloudy and ready for my class.

Reflection 1/18/23

 Today we read a book called wild. It is mature audience book, but so far I actually like it. So far it has brought interest in me, and I didn't even fall asleep. I actually paid attention and even got what I needed for my assignment. So I feel good so far about my class. I just need to make up my assignments that I missed.

Reflection 1/17/23

 Today we watched a short film called "Wild". It was very disgusting but can also be very true. We also did a group presentation and we were group 1. We each had to research important information about the PCT. I did terrain, I did good, but it just wasn't as entertaining as everyone else.