
Showing posts from May, 2023

Write about something that doesn't get better.

 The pain doesn't get better. You will never learn to truly heal, only accept it and move on. The pain will be put in the past, but as soon as you resurface it, it will never truly get better. You can easily fall back into the past, simply because it left a wound in your heart that will never truly healed only moved on from. That is why it is important to move on from the past, and focus on the now.

Write about what you'd planned to do.

 I plan to travel before I hit 40. I wanna explore the world, and do different things. I want to learn different things. I do not want to be doing the same thing over and over for the rest of my life. I want to go to Orlando, Fl, then I want to go to Canada, and maybe even Japan. I am so excited for when I reach that stage in my life. I am not rushing life though, I will still take my time to enjoy the small things before reaching the big things.

Write about when you knew something was over (or had begun)

 I just got together with my first boyfriend. He is so cute to me, but sadly we were toxic. Not because we wanted to be, but simply we were still trying to learn to love one another. When he broke up with me, I thought our relationship has ended forever but years later, we came back around. And now that we learn how to be mature and love one another the right way, and still learning. Our real love story has just begun.

Write about something you are certain of.

 I am certain of the Lord's love for me. I am certain he exist. I did not need to see it because I felt it. I felt his power and love through me. I felt the tender touch of true everlasting peace, and I know that even in death I will still have peace.

Write a long thank you letter.

 Dear my real family,   Thank you for everything you guys have done for me. Thank you trying to make me feel better when I was down. Thank you for the love you bring to my heart, when you see hatred in my eyes. Thank you for protecting as much as possible from the evil of this world. Thank you for having my back, when no one else would. For giving me a shoulder to cry on, when I felt sad. For sticking around, when others left. For staying loyal, when I was betrayed. You guys could never be replaced . You guys are my real family. Sincerely, Angel Watson, a girl who is more than thankful

Write about a secret being revealed.

 I had a big secret that impacted my life. I do not think it is safe to tell this secret, but it was really big for me. The secret came out by my parents trying to manage my money, they see that I have less and less. Also my eyes were becoming red because of it, and because my whole family does this as well, they knew. I did not want them to find out because I was scared that they were going to judge me, but now they knew. It is not that bad about them finding out.

Write a long apology.

 Michael, I'm sorry. I am sorry for hurting you, and tearing you apart. I am sorry for making you cry, and feeling depressed. Honestly, I do not know what made you really truly love me. I do not know what makes me different. But I know what makes you different. Your eyes, your name, your smile, your voice, the way your body is shape, the way you even think, and protect, and how funny and charming you are. You are not perfect, but you were for me. Exactly, for me. I do not know how to love unfortunately, you were also my first true love. I just wanted everything to go right, to do right, but instead, I caused heartache, and even broke my own heart in the process. All I ask is that you continue to fight for me, cause I will always for you even if we are not together. I love you, please forgive my heart.

Write about when you knew you was in trouble.

 I was in fourth grade, and all the popular kids were all walking home. I am a car rider, meaning I am not supposed to walk home. My friends were talking about walking home, then I was trying to be popular and told them that I could. When it was time to go, I went with the walkers. I was walking with them, and then I saw my dad's car. I freaked out and I ran home. When I got there, I started crying and when they saw me, I try to lie saying a robber took me to my house. I seen my dad's face and knew I was in trouble.

Write about what you have too much of.

 I have too much positive energy. Even when I feel my lowest, I still have positive energy. Simply because, I tend to try to build myself up when I feeling low. Something I picked up on because I always felt lonely. I mean yes, I am a very independent person, but feeling lonely ALL the time truly sucks.

Write about something you can't deny

 I can't deny my love for Jesus. In this generation, a lot of people are very expressive on who they believe in spiritually. I used to hang around people who admit to not believing in the Lord. They would try to justify why they don't believe, and I always listen, but not once did I believed it. I might try to think from their point of view, but I can't deny my love for Jesus. It shows on me, and I will never stop believing in him.

Reflection 5/19/23

 Today I didn't come to class today. I haven't been feeling well, so I left early.

Reflection 5/17/23

 Today we watched a short film called "Black Mirror". Honestly, the film made me sad, it should have not have ended the way it did. I also felt waves of loneliness, pretend, and sadness. I wouldn't recommend watching it unless you like those feelings. Other than the film, I had to gather all of this makeup work to do. Very tiring.